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Unlock Your Musical Creativity

Dive into the world of innovative chords and techniques with Chord Revolution.

✅ The concept is simple: you will learn how to take simple chords you already know and use them in ways you never thought possible.

From utilizing simple chords in unexpected ways to exploring subdominant minor chords and tritone substitutions, Chord Revolution will elevate your playing to new heights.

You will discover the rich musical value available to you by looking beyond your "normal" chord progresssions.

With each lesson, you'll deepen your understanding of music theory and expand your creative horizons.

By Mastering the Art of Chord Progressions, you will quickly experiment with different chord types and witness the magic as your playing takes on a whole new dimension.

The Art of Creative Chord Progressions

✅ Step-By-Step, Easy to Understand Video Lessons

✅ Downloadable TABs and PDF Resources

✅ Full Lifetime access

✅ Take it with you using the

Teachable mobile app!

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